Saturday, September 8, 2018

Welcome Back! Grilled Cheese and Soup Night

Welcome Back!!!
Monday, September 10th at 6:30pm
Grilled Cheese and Soup Night

Come on over for the first community group of the school year!
7250 SW Sorrento Rd Beaverton, OR

We are doing grilled cheese and soups

Sharps and Eneas will provide tomato bisque soup and bread for cheese sandwiches (pretty sure we have cheese too)

We will need:
Another soup
Grilled cheese fillings
Anything else you can think of

Can’t wait to see everyone!!!

If you are new and have any questions, 
feel free to text Cole 503-990-2586 or Angel 503-990-2583


  1. The Webb's will not be able to attend this Monday. Hoping everyone is doing great!

  2. We may or may not be there due to Em and Jane being sick, so I don’t want to commit us to providing something of significance to the meal. We will bring a filling of some sort.
